Just in finishing up, I'd love for you to come out to my riding, because I don't know if I can convince you here. But in terms of the labour needs of my riding—skilled and unskilled, of all types of businesses—unless they're all telling me a mistruth, this is the number one challenge they face as businesses, as employers. So I'd love to have you out in my riding. We could do some round tables together, if you're willing to do that.
I wanted to follow up with Ms. Rothman. I take your point in terms of the challenges of addressing poverty and child poverty, but if you look at the national child benefit, introduced by the former government, improvements made by this government—the working income tax benefit, which addresses the working poor, the investments in aboriginal education in this budget.... I think there have been an awful lot of positive steps as well as, in a time of restraint, continuing increases to the provinces for essential programs, such as health care at a 6% increase and social services at a 3% increase. Surely these must be at least positives in terms of addressing poverty in Canada.