Thank you for the question. It's a very important question, and it goes to the heart of where growth is going to come from for this country over the medium to long term.
One of the main sources of growth is, in our opinion, going to have to come from this trade diversification. Now, let me say at the outset that the United States, for all its difficulties, is still the largest economy in the world. We expect there will be ups and downs, but the U.S. economy is still going to grow at a reasonable pace. It is not going to grow for some time at the formerly torrid pace that it used to, but it's still a good market for Canadian businesses. We have a privileged position in that economy, and obviously we should do everything we can to retain that position.
That said, the opportunities in emerging markets for this country are immense. The simplest and most straightforward opportunity comes through our commodities sector. Whether we trade directly with these economies or not, we feel the benefit of their demand for commodities that we export, from base metals and precious metals through to the energy complex. Emerging economies, and China in particular, are the main drivers of these commodity prices. We get the net income benefit of that.
While there is always going to be volatility around commodity prices, we expect that all things being equal, commodity prices are going to remain relatively elevated for the foreseeable future. In our opinion, that provides a degree of confidence in terms of further longer-term investments in that sector, which could include pipelines, geographic diversification, and other aspects that are being looked at very intensively.
The other aspects, though, are where we have a lot of room. Let's say the glass is half full. We have a lot of room to expand both in the manufacturing sector and in the export of services. We have lost market share in the major emerging markets in those areas in the last decade, so one of our messages is that these economies are accounting for more than half of global growth. It's three-quarters, as you referenced. It's actually probably 80% right now, unfortunately, with the drop in Europe and the U.S. They're accounting for more than half of the growth in manufacturing exports as well, and capital good exports, so there are real businesses that Canadians all the way through the supply chain can take advantage of.
It's not easy, in that it will take a sustained effort to develop these markets and to get into those new supply chains, but the secular trends here are fundamental. I'll give a couple of very quick examples and then stop, Chair.
Let's look at China and India. Every 18 months of urbanization in China and India equals the entire urban population of Canada. They house that many people every year and a half as they move to the cities. As well, globally there are 70 million people moving every year into the middle class from the major emerging markets. There is tremendous opportunity here. Government can obviously help with trade deals such as the deal with Colombia, which I know members of this committee supported, and with other important diversifications.
I have one last thing, which is that the flip side is also important. We need to recognize that these major emerging markets--particularly China, or the Asia complex, if you will--are major providers of long-term capital. We could take advantage of that for inward investment into Canada and use it to export higher quality products to these countries.