Thank you, Chair.
I want to preface my response by saying what a magnificent job you're doing as chair of these hearings, the longest in two decades. I commend you for that.
I want to respond by saying that PPP Canada is a wholly owned subsidiary crown corporation and by order was made a parent crown corporation under the Financial Administration Act. At its incorporation, it was decided not to make PPP Canada an agent of Her Majesty.
This division aims at confirming that PPP Canada does not act as an agent of Her Majesty except for certain mandated activities. It is proposed that PPP Canada be recognized as an agent of Her Majesty for activities related to: one, the P3 screen on federal capital projects; two, the provision of advisory services to federal departments and crown corporations on federal P3s; and three, acting as a source of expertise and advice on P3s for departments and crown corporations.
In essence, this measure would better align PPP Canada's corporate structure with its activities related to its federal business line, including providing expert advice to federal departments.
Thank you, Chair.