Well, I have three more speakers. I have a list that keeps growing. We have this shadowy figure that has crept into the room—it's called the straw man—and crept into this debate. I think we're sort of arguing against each other, but we're also arguing against what we think others are presenting.
I again will return to my main theme this evening, which is that we should do a division, members should state their positions and parties should put on the record where they stand, and we should vote on the clauses.
It's a good debate. It's an interesting debate. I am very much enjoying it. I think that at 10 o'clock on Tuesday night I may want to be doing something different, but it's a good debate. But I'm not really seeing the point of it—I guess that's it.
So I have three members: Ms. Glover, Monsieur Mai, and Mr. Jean.