Thank you, Ms. Nash, for that question.
The number one recommendation is the leader. My view of a leader is someone who is able to lead an organization or a group or a mandate. I think the leader will have to be given some latitude as to how they enact what they feel is their role. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada has lots of resources, but to your comment about why do we need another person, I think it's very important that we need someone specifically.... Ms. Menke is a very capable lady, as are the people in her department, but we need someone who is focused individually on this. This person will be given the financing to roll this out and the mandate of how it's delivered.
We will face some challenges, because in my view we need to insert this in the education system. As you know, we'll have some challenges working with our provincial counterparts on how we do that. This leader will have to sculpt, if you will, a process for delivering that.