Speaking just for the foundation, I would say that there are probably five different funders right now that we're doing projects with, the likes of which we could never have dreamt of before. We're probably getting funding ten times what we did before, of a scale that we never hoped to get from them, to be able to do things that will really have an impact.
When you get $25,000 a year, you can't do a whole heck of a lot. If you get a $300,000 grant to do a project that you've worked through, you can make an impact. We've found that now there's support like that available, and not with strings attached. I have to impress on you, and I think others will speak to this, that we're finding that they know that we know what to do better than they do. In many cases, they're putting us right out front, because they know if they're out front, it won't work. People don't trust them, and they know it will be money poorly spent.
It's made a huge difference just in the priority given to the subject area.