I think it's very important to note that we asked for the legacy fund to be extended, and so far that hasn't happened, although we're still working on it and confident that it will be reinstated in some measure.
The other issue has to do with the confidence of consumers. That's something that will be a challenge for us. We think we will be able to move that forward, but it's not a short-term thing. Neither is research into food safety. Thus my and Andrea's comments about the three years needing to go to five years.
It's very important to note that food safety has to be addressed. It is of the utmost importance to the cattle industry: without this attention our industry dies—we know that—so it is a top priority for us to assure consumers in Canada and globally that we have a safe food system, that we have a way of ensuring that our food is safe, and that we can move forward as a leader in exporting food like beef and pork.