The first thing to say is that the federal program, the Homelessness Partnering Strategy, remains useful and relevant. This is a good source of funding, but, in fact, there are problems. The government promised to cut down on red tape, but the management of this program has not improved. The program is now approximately 15 years old. There have been delays from the start, and those delays have increased. To illustrate the consequences of these delays, let's discuss the organization that presented, a year and a half ago, an offer to purchase a rooming house and which asked for bids to renovate it. The offer is no longer valid, obviously, nor are the bids, because of inflation. Funds that should have been available are no longer there.
These delays reduce the efficiency of government investments. Organizations have nearly lost very good projects to help street youth. Shelters wish to add on to their facilities, but they can't do it, because they can't spend the money as long as there is no departmental signature. There was also an unfortunate case, that of the organization for which I work, the Réseau d'aide aux personnes seules et itinérantes de Montréal. The organization did not receive departmental approval for its project, which had been endorsed by the community, by the City of Montreal, by the federal government, and even by a federal-provincial committee.
The fact remains that the nature of the program is sound, and that it must continue. However, red tape must be reduced and the budget must be increased to help, as you said, those new faces, those who are about to become homeless. They need help to remain stable, by providing them with housing. They need to be helped through the process when, at 40, 50 or 60 years old, they have to face new problems. Furthermore, those faces have become more diverse. In Quebec, an increase in the age of the homeless population has become quite noticeable. The need exists to maintain this program and to improve it, so that there are no delays and so that there is more action.