Again, we all agree that we should study the subject. But at the time the private member's motion was passed in Parliament, the world was very different from the one we exist in today, with a global sovereign debt crisis, with a European bank crisis, and potentially a full-scale contagion in the European banking system. If the House of Commons finance committee basically books itself until March, the 12 meetings, the credibility of the committee is going to be shredded.
There are issues that are really important for the future of the country that we can undertake in a non-partisan way. And I think it's important that we all agree to do a thorough study of this in four days. As a parliamentary committee we can keep ourselves busy, and this may be good parliamentary Gaines-Burger to keep us quiet and eating, but I really think we can do it in four days if we apply ourselves. We can have a comprehensive study, and we can actually study some other issues that are really important in terms of the economy. This is a very difficult economy right now, globally and for a lot of people here in Canada. I think we have to keep some flexibility. That doesn't mean we won't have 12 meetings. But it might mean that after four we will be compelled to focus on some really important economic issues that are germane right now.