I assume that reducing inequality would actually save our health care system money. I don't have time to ask you a question about that, but I'm making that assumption.
I'd like to ask a question to Mr. Aylward.
Your comments made me think about the Parliamentary Budget Officer. When he was here at an earlier time, he talked about the cuts to the public sector in this budget as a drag on our economy and on economic growth and said that it would cost us more in the long term. I've heard you talk about the numbers of public sector and private sector jobs that you've seen cut.
I know Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize winner, has said that reducing government expenditure in times of a slowing economy actually works to slow the economy further, so it may work against our best interests in terms of job creation and keeping our economy moving.
I want to ask you specifically about cuts to food inspection. Of these supposed 700 food inspectors that the government has told us they have hired, do I understand correctly that your members have not seen any of these newly hired food inspectors at XL Foods?