That was going to be my next series of questions, actually. I was wondering if you have any suggestions regarding mobility. Obviously reducing the barriers to mobility, like the Red Seal program, but travel tax credits, living tax credits—tax credits to drive people from one place to another, at least on a temporary basis.
I sit with literally hundreds of people every week, going back and forth to Fort McMurray, who are from all over the country. I talked to one gentleman from southwestern Ontario. He told me he makes $200,000 a year there and he wouldn't make $60,000 employed full time where he is currently located. He can't say enough good things about Fort McMurray, and the mobility, but he would like to have some form of tax credit or encouragement to involve him in different places around the country.
Do you have any comments or suggestions about tax credits, travel tax credits or things like that, that you've heard could be successful?