Mr. Van Iterson, you probably know that there's been a little game being played since the session resumed in September. In fact, there are three possible carbon policies for dealing with climate change.
The first is imposing a carbon tax, which was favoured by the Liberals and others in 2008.
The second is instituting an emissions cap and a carbon exchange, which is the solution favoured by the NDP.
The third is a sector-by-sector regulatory approach, which the Conservatives have decided to set up, but that is not free, and the partial costs to date have been estimated by The Canadian Press and by Maclean's at over $16 billion.
Do you think the sector-by-sector regulatory approach, as advocated by the government, is the solution to go with? Should there instead be a price on carbon, as put forward by the NDP? It would be a carbon exchange with an emissions cap.