This measure contains a few components. When waste-fueled thermal energy equipment is included in class 43.2, there is currently a requirement that this equipment must be used in an industrial process or a greenhouse. The requirement that it's used for those purposes is taken out by this measure in order to expand the ability to use waste-fueled thermal energy equipment.
Similarly, the definition of what counts as an eligible waste fuel is expanded to include the residue of plants. That includes things like straw, corncobs, and that type of thing. As well, classes 43.1 and 43.2 are expanded to include a district energy system that distributes thermal energy that is primarily generated by waste-fueled thermal energy equipment. The last part of this measure is to provide that this equipment will only be eligible for classes 43.1 and 43.2 treatment if the applicable environmental laws and regulations are complied with at the time the equipment becomes available for use.