There's a couple of things. We have strongly recommended for the last year or two to have the EI hiring credit expanded as well as extended beyond 2011 into 2012 and 2013. When I say expanded I mean it should be available to firms with more than $10,000 in EI premiums, perhaps $15,000 or whatever, and perhaps it could be increased gradually every year to make sure those folks are always captured. We would like to see that threshold expanded.
Another alternative, so that everybody would benefit, would be to actually freeze EI premiums. Freezing EI premiums at a difficult time would be one solution. While that would add to the deficit in the EI account, it would just add a couple more years of paying down that deficit. Instead of having the deficit paid off by 2015, it would be paid off by 2017-18. We've done some modelling on that and that is what we've determined over time. Another option would be to freeze EI premiums.