Thank you, Mr. Martin.
The proponents of this bill, who are at the table today, have become so sure of themselves that they have confirmed my testimony to you.
Mr. Oakey, from the Merit contractor, is quoted in the spring 2012 edition of the MeritOpen Mind magazine as saying, and I quote:
MP Russ Hiebert introduced a Private Member’s Bill (C-377) that would require unions to publicly disclose detailed financial information. This will be of particular benefit to the open shop contractor community, as the way unions spend dues will become another factor in the certification process by providing valuable information to employees who are considering joining a union.
What Mr. Oakey is clearly saying, as far as I'm concerned, is that this bill is not about what taxpayers are entitled to and this bill is not about transparency; this bill is all about the intelligence bonanza that the non-union open shop contractors are looking to gain at the cost of the taxpayers of Canada and the competition.