I think it creates a level playing field between labour organizations that currently operate in Canada that have to report in the United States and those that currently operate in Canada and don't have to report to their international affiliates. I think Merit Canada would support a lowering of that threshold. I think the reason the threshold is set at $5,000 is to create that level playing field between the two types of unions that operate in Canada.
However, I think the U.S. example shows us that there are a lot of $4,999 transactions that go on, and I do understand, through some of the conversations I've had with people around Washington at the time of the reforms, that it was a compromise between Congress and the White House.
I think ultimately some were pushing for all transactions. It would have been much easier for unions to comply. They would have just dumped their ledger into the government form, as opposed to having to categorize them as above $5,000 or below $5,000, so there are actually some administrative arguments that there shouldn't be a threshold and that it should be all transactions.