That's right, and thank you for the question.
It follows on the direction of Mr. Jenkins' report. As I mentioned, $400 million as part of that pool of money is going to be used in a more direct way to assist in the creation of innovation venture capital in Canada, for which there is quite a serious need in our country, particularly for young innovative people who need a hand up, really, so they can get their innovation to market.
We have some fabulously innovative people in Canada. We have tremendous examples. We have MaRS in Toronto. We have NAIT in Alberta. There are great examples all across the country. A lot of them either sell out early, usually to Americans, or they give up because they don't have the financial wherewithal.
This isn't going to be a big government program, I can assure you, in which the government picks winners and losers. It's not going to be that, but there's going to be a sizeable amount of money, which we hope to leverage in order to assist these young entrepreneurs.
I know that some of the large manufacturers would prefer that we leave things as they are, but the government's view is that this is a better use of this pool of money.