Yes, we want to make sure it's easier for people to deal with their money when they're a bit older. We're fortunate that we're living longer. This isn't something we should feel bad about. I think it's a good thing for men and women to have the longevity they have today in Canada compared to a generation ago. It's really quite remarkable, and they're in relatively good health in most cases.
What I hear from people, and I'm sure you hear this too, is that they'd like to be able to move up the RRIF age, for example. We moved it from age 69 to age 71. Some people would like us to bump that higher because a lot of people are continuing to work to age 68 or later, if they're fortunate to have good health. That's one thing.
We want to ensure there aren't unnecessary restrictions on mortgage eligibility and mortgage insurance eligibility for older people just because they happen to be older. We want to make sure we get the pension issues right because some Canadians are legitimately worried about their pension plans, especially defined benefit plans. There's a lot of work to do at Finance, as you know as parliamentary secretary, to try to make sure we make the financial path smoother for older Canadians.