Thank you, Chair.
Thank you all for attending this session. There are so many great people here at the panel.
I'm going to direct my attention to the folks from Fair Pensions for All. The question was raised, is there a crisis? In the last panel I suggested that much, if not all of this, is the direct result of something that absolutely must be done. We're not going to talk about the discrepancies between wages at this point.
You folks have been working with pensions for a long time. I've followed you. I've read a lot of your material. I want you to tell us, is there a crisis in the pension? And how critical is it to address the defined pension plan shortfall in this country? I want you specifically to talk about public sector pension plans. Maybe talk about some of them, not only at the federal level but at the provincial and municipal levels. Then I want you to tell us if you have a solution.
I've read your briefing on CRISP, the proposed Canadian retirement income savings plan, and maybe you'll have some time to talk about that. So go for it.