I am doing that right now. I've been breaking it down, and it's a bit misleading to use that aggregated average.
I'm going to say something that's probably going to annoy two of the witnesses here. The imbalances at the lower level...and you already know that not only anecdotally, but the minimum starting wage in the private sector is about one-third of what it is in the Government of Canada.
There is a crossover. I have seen some studies, and one is from the Conference Board, that suggest the crossover is somewhere around director general. Those at the DG and above are actually paid less in the Government of Canada than in the private sector. You can get $5 million or $10 million at the very top in a large corporation in Toronto.
But at the lower levels, empirically, from everything I've seen so far, that's where they are paid more than in the private sector. The public sector at the lower levels are paid more than in the private sector at the lower levels.