Time will not allow me...and I may come back, if I can.
Ms. Blais, on behalf of the Department of Justice lawyers, I commend you for your presentation, and, frankly, for your courage in being here. I say courage because of course we're all aware of Edgar Schmidt, one of your members. He was found to be a whistle-blower, pointing out the government's failure to do adequate charter review of federal legislation, and then suspended from the Department of Justice for bringing that to the attention of the courts, despite the withering comments of the Federal Court justice. Your being here is itself a very courageous step. I appreciated your very strong remarks in light of that background.
One of the things you pointed out that I didn't think you elaborated enough on, and I want to give you that opportunity, is the costs issue. You pointed out that this is going to make things more expensive. You think the government would get that and take it seriously.
Could you elaborate on why, in your view, it's going to be more expensive?