Thank you, and welcome to all of our witnesses. I appreciate you being here.
I described you, Mr. Barrett, to my colleague Mr. Cuzner as the Wayne Gretzky of labour law, you'll be happy to know. And I mean that sincerely. I've admired your career for many years.
Your comments I think deserve a bit more amplification than the time you've had. You talked about the conflict inherent between the government as employer and legislator. Mr. Yussuff, before you came, made a comment on behalf of the CLC that it was like being an umpire and a player on the soccer field, to mix metaphors, I guess. Presumably that's why consultation is so vital when the government holds all the cards like this. The Supreme Court has made the point that consultation is essential.
You were the counsel, among others, in the Bill-29 case, where another right-wing government, where I live, was slapped down unceremoniously by the Supreme Court of Canada. Do you think this bill is subject to criticism of the same kind for lack of consultation in the amendments that are before us?