You hear more and more small-business owners talking about PayPal and other organizations, even Square, for example, because they cannot guarantee what their bill is going to be at the end of the month. When you have premium cards that have different interchange rates, there is no way for the small-business owner to figure out how much they actually paid at the end of the month. The payment is taken out even before they can question it.
This whole system needs to be looked at, to ensure we're bringing this forward on behalf of small business. As consumers, we're the ones who end up paying these prices.
You were talking earlier, Ms. Burke, about the Competition Tribunal allowing for the moving forward of honouring all cards. That's not entirely accurate. What they said after they made their ruling on July 23, 2013, is that there are anti-competitive practices in place, and they've punted it back to Parliament to make a decision on it.
Small and medium-sized enterprises are looking for change. I think the opportunity for mobile payments presents that, but if we don't allow for that change, it's going to continue to skyrocket the costs.