Yes, we studied many other countries. Particularly, we studied Australia, the European Union, the U.K., the U.S., and to a lesser extent countries like South Africa, Switzerland, and Kenya.
What can we learn? First of all, payments split between personal payments, in which as Todd and David have said, Canada is quite advanced—historically with credit cards and debit cards we were one of the leaders, although we have been falling further in the rankings for the last five years, but we were one of the leaders in digital—and business-to-business payments, in which we are one of the worst in the world. Essentially small and medium-sized businesses make 80% of their payments with paper cheques largely because they have no digital alternatives.
Countries like Australia, the U.K., and the U.S. even, have reduced their dependence on cheques dramatically over the last decade. The U.S. is half as dependent on cheques as Canada, which is something that surprises most people. Countries who are as dependent on paper as Canada are countries like Romania, countries we don't normally associate ourselves with.