On the next slide I just want to draw your attention to the prepaid card lines, which is essentially growing at 30% compound annual rate. These are essentially mobile payments. The Starbucks app is supported by prepaid gift cards, so money is moving out of the traditional payment system into the mobile world through prepaid cards.
I'll skip the next slide because both Todd and David have talked about that one.
When the task force looked at mobile payments, the conclusion we came to was that the industry would clearly evolve rapidly over the next decade. As commerce converged onto the mobile phone, what was important was that the system for governing payments be flexible and adaptable. We realized that regulating a moving target—which is clearly what we're looking at for at least the next decade—was not only undesirable because it would stifle innovation, but in all likelihood it was impossible.
Essentially what the task force recommended was the creation of a payments industry—