Thank you for the question.
As has been mentioned, the frameworks, rules, and standards are largely in place. In the case of the Canadian Payments Association, those are firmly established. They've been modified over time. They've been modified with an eye to newer payment technologies, so they're in place.
I think part of the issue and challenge for governments—and all of us—is that you can't just put something in place and leave it, you have to monitor it in some way. Things are evolving so quickly, and part of it is that we don't know what we don't know. That's one of the big issues, security and cyber-security. So at the Canadian Payments Association, because what we do and need to do every day—20 hours a day, open settlement, open markets—we have to run all the time. We're concerned about things like cyber-security risk. Again, we have frameworks, standards, approaches to mitigate that risk, but we can't just rest on what we have. We have to keep up.