A couple of questions keep coming back here.
I have to pick up a little bit on the chair's question about wage scarring. It is a term I'm not familiar with, but I'm having some difficulty with it. Either you're working or you're not working, and if you're working you can look for a better job. A number of things will control that.
I'm going to use two examples.
A good friend of mine, whom I went to high school with, went on to university and became a geologist. I don't know why he became a geologist. He wanted to become one and he enjoyed it, but he didn't want to travel. Intervention in K-to-12 might have helped him. After a couple of years of working as a geologist, mostly in Canada's north, he came back and went to community college and became a machinist. He loves that job and is happy doing it. Should he be “wage-scarred” because he left this other job and somehow went to...?
I use the example of another good friend of mine. We were neighbours; we grew up on opposite farms. He became an engineer and worked for 15 years. He was vice-president of his own company, and after 15 years as senior vice-president, he made as much money as his chief electrician. Should he be “wage-scarred?”
I don't get the term. My point is that there are obstacles facing people in employment, and at every job you're not going to get to be boss, or you're not going to be a rocket scientist, or not going to be a computer programmer, or you're not going to be the prime minister. We all find our level and we work there and try to find happiness doing that.
It's an artificial term that I don't understand, so I'd like one more shot at having it explained to me.