Very quickly, going back to the numbers and it's all in the numbers, on chart 3, it's interesting to see that youth unemployment is going down somewhat and we had the periods of recession.
I should be looking at the Stats Canada people.
Also, I think there's a correlation here and maybe somebody can validate that. I'm looking at the next slide, which shows that the average number of weeks of employment for those who are 35 to 54 is greater than for youth.
Maybe I have to speak to somebody from the Department of Employment and Social Development. My take on that would be that as a younger worker you're finding yourself and you might try a job, but if it's not what you wanted, you switch to something else, whereas you become entrenched as you're older.
Am I right on that? Is it for that reason? Although there is higher unemployment, there is an advantage that we can move more quickly back into the workforce than once we become entrenched and just stick to the field that we've settled on. Is that accurate?