I'll just tell a story of an epiphany on how we can get the information out.
Just a few months ago I was in Calgary. About 600 kids were in the audience and I had put up a chart that we had created as part of our recent spotlight on science learning report. It was a series of top 10 jobs that were taken from the public area, from the U.S. and Canada. They were somebody else's top 10 jobs. So if you can imagine a matrix of 80 jobs all categorized by others.
All we did was colour code them. Green, if it was a STEM job; blue, if it was a skilled trades job where you benefited from the STEM skills. When I put it up, there was a collective gasp from the audience because over 70% of the jobs were colour coded. The kids left just saying, “I had no idea that what I'm studying now in grade 10 is actually opening these doors.”