Welcome to our witnesses. Thank you for staying.
I think the one thing everyone can agree on around the table is that this is quite an onion and there are many layers. I don't know that any of us can put our finger on one single issue that's really out of whack here.
Mr. DiCaro, I have to ask you a question. You used the generational word. I have to tell you that from my generation to my children's generation there's a huge difference in jobs that are available.
I will give the kids full credit. Of six kids, all of them have jobs. All of them had part-time jobs; all of them had jobs in school. But their friends didn't have jobs, and many of their friends didn't think they needed to have jobs. I really think that it's not that workers have low expectations; I think there's a bit of a problem with high expectations.
I would just like an answer on that.