Very quickly, I'm running out of time, so I want to be fair with everyone else, too.
I'm really intrigued when I hear the working relationship you have with, first of all, your workers and the union. That's fantastic. Angelo, I have to tell you something. You are a new breed of your union. I'm going to remember the old days with the CAW, for instance. We were talking about scarring, and I'll tell you, the first time I encountered the CAW in my office, I was scarred. I was emotionally bruised.
So, I'm really pleased to see that. The reason I'm saying that is I'm detecting a new way of thinking when we talk about looking at schooling and what we're looking at in Germany. Is that something that we're starting to see more and more of, where the unions...?
I remember once saying to reps who came that nothing is going to change until we all roll up our sleeves and say, “How can we make this the best company in the world again?” Is that kind of an attitude that's starting to develop in the workforce today?