I don't hear that, and that's unfortunate.
We've been doing this every day, and yesterday we had an interesting scenario. We had to go and vote, and we came back to quite a mix of witnesses. We had the Federation of Independent Business, Confédération des syndicats nationaux, Merit Contractors Association, Progressive Contractors Association of Canada, and Unifor. Generally these guys are like oil and water, but it was amazing. We came back and they said they had had a great discussion.
I'll refer to an old song, “There's a New Day Dawning”. I think people see the need, and I really believe there's a willingness to work together collectively. I'm wondering if you're sensing that too. I won't just pick on you. I'm going to ask everybody if they're getting that kind of feeling.
In the eight years I've been here, there has been a really adversarial relationship between labour and management. It seems to be melting, and there seems to be a willingness. Am I just a dreamer, or is this something...?