I think it takes a lot longer to get started nowadays, and as my colleague from the building trades said, the worst thing that can happen to any of us, whether you're a middle-aged worker or a young worker.... Everything I've read in three decades of doing this for a living.... If somebody is injured and we cannot reintegrate them back to work and they go a year or two without being at work, it's 10 times as hard to reintegrate them.
The European example that I spoke of earlier talks about a guarantee. Their youth unemployment situation is arguably worse than ours, and I don't know much about it—I've just tried to prepare for today—but the youth guarantee in Europe, four months after leaving school or losing a job, people under 25 should receive a good quality offer of employment, further education, or an apprenticeship or traineeship. Where did they come up with four months? It's because every day that you're not working after that mark, it's harder to get you back to work.