In the 1980s, those companies were also audited. So that is no guarantee that some will not slip through the cracks.
I'd like to use the last minute and a half I have left to speak to Mr. Russell. One of your recommendations, which seems innocuous but would have some quite serious repercussions, is to eliminate withholding taxes for businesses offering group RRSPs, that is to say tax withheld for employment insurance and the Canada Pension Plan. That recommendation seems quite innocuous, but it would have huge ramifications. Indeed, when income tax credits were created for RRSPs, it was quite well recognized that those credits complemented the Canada Pension Plan, but did not replace it. As for employment insurance, it is an entirely distinct system created to protect the unemployed in periods of inactivity and offset their loss of income.
In fact, what you are proposing is much more than a tax measure. It would change the philosophy of RRSPs in connection with the Canada Pension Plan.