First of all, I think you're raising a number of important points and I won't be able to do justice to them all in my response, but in the main I would say yes, you are properly identifying the two different things that are sort of running through this file, if I can call it that.
One is the fact that the U.S. does tax on a citizenship basis. We don't. No one else does, functionally, and that difference leads to a lot of the consternation that arises with people who may not have been aware of their tax obligations, or who may have been aware but thought there really wasn't any sort of net tax owing because Canadian taxes are probably sufficiently high such that if they did a U.S. tax return on top, and taking credit for Canadian taxes, there wouldn't be anything remaining. Also, there has been.... To be fair to those people who are troubled by some of this, I think there has been a sort of ramped-up enforcement by the U.S. That shock, I think, is leading to a lot of the consternation I talked about.
But this agreement is not about enforcement of U.S. taxes, or collection of U.S. taxes, or the application of U.S. citizenship taxes. It's about exchange of information in support of each country's tax system. On that front, it's quite like what we already do on many fronts and is not novel in that respect.