FATCA and the subsequent intergovernmental agreement raised a number of concerns here in Canada; however, the intergovernmental agreement, or IGA, addresses these concerns by relying on the existing framework under the Canada-U.S. tax treaty. The exchange of information between Canada and the U.S. is already a long-standing practice authorized under article 27 of the Canada-U.S. income tax treaty, and it includes rigorous safeguards with respect to the use of exchanged information. This agreement is consistent with Canadian privacy laws. That was one of the issues raised.
Let me remind members again, as I did a few moments ago, that without the agreement, Canada's financial institutions would still have to comply with FATCA. Obligations for Canadian financial institutions would have been unilaterally and automatically imposed on them by the U.S. That would have required banks to report information directly to the IRS, and potentially deny basic banking services to clients. Both banks and their clients would have been subject to a 30% withholding tax. However, with the agreement in place, this will not happen. The CRA will not assist the IRS in collecting U.S. taxes, and—this is very important—no new taxes will be imposed. Nor will financial institutions in Canada report any information directly to the IRS. In our negotiations, we obtained a number of concessions, including exempting certain accounts—like RRSPs, RDSPs, TFSAs, RESPs, registered pension plans, and much more—from FATCA reporting. Smaller deposit-taking institutions like credit unions with assets of less than $175 million will also be exempt from reporting.