—and exceeding what is really allowed by law.
So the training of auditors is critical because a quarter of the CRA top-level auditors are due to retire in the next five years. They are already seriously understaffed. They were hit with more staff cuts than any other government department, and even though the international audit program was spared the full brunt of the tax cut, they still have reductions from previous years in the staff working in that area. So that situation is going to get worse if we don't address the training needed.
The other thing is Finance Canada's lack of sharing of information on what exactly they are doing on legislative measures to improve the capacity. It really is important that the government give the tools necessary to the CRA auditors to do their jobs. One of the problems is that we still have too many loopholes and holes in our tax law that allow all kinds of ways for tax evaders to shift profits and avoid paying taxes.