Thank you very much.
Recently the CEO of McDonald's gave a response to the news story that its franchises turn away Canadian applicants to bring in cheaper foreign labour.
Your colleague actually talked about a situation that describes that. You've seen that happen. You've seen how it's treated.
This is what the CEO had to say:
“This has been an attack on our brand. This has been an attack on our system. This is an attack on our people. It's bull....I used those words when I described my conversation with the minister last week. He gets it.”
The story goes on:
Betts says he was “incredibly impressed” with the minister, adding, “He really knows his stuff. And I'll say he knows his stuff from a business person’s perspective.”
“Yes, they are disenfranchised. Some of them don’t work for us anymore. But in the scheme of things, it doesn’t matter.”
“This story has been brewing for a lot of years. And you know at the end of the day we just happen to be the business that got tapped into it and we weren’t the first....”
After your experience, what does hearing comments like that feel like?