Increasingly, as you might expect, interactions for financial services and otherwise take place without meeting the client face to face and pressing palms. They happen in online environments, over the phone, and in any number of other ways.
At the moment, the way things are set up, the non face-to-face measures require reliance on, for one thing, six months of Canadian credit history. You can imagine a new Canadian coming in not having that credit history and not being able to satisfy that requirement. The necessary condition is some sort of reliance on a Canadian credit history. The second thing is the sufficient condition. The sufficient condition is that you have to prove you have a Canadian deposit account or you have to clear a cheque. These combinations of methods rely on old systems. They are slow, and sometimes they can become frustrated. In the case of a credit check, if there is not an exact match of the address, for instance, the whole identification can be frustrated.