At the end of the day, if you look at the budget numbers—and granted, the Government of Canada did subsidize EI premiums over the downturn in the economy—it's going to be the end of 2015 before the EI operating account comes out of the negative position it's in. Then, budget 2014 says, “as a result, in September 2013 the EI premium rate for 2014 was frozen at the 2013 level of $1.88 per $100 of insurable earnings and it was announced that the rate will be set no higher than $1.88 for 2015 and 2016”, and the chart shows it's going down to $1.47. So, in fact, over the seven-year timeframe, it will actually start to go down again in the cumulative account.
Do you think it's a responsible position that we should be managing this over a period of years as opposed to just jumping the premium up and down?