Thank you very much for the question. Let me try to elaborate a little bit on the process that is envisioned in respect to this framework. As was stated in the economic action plan 2014, the government committed to providing a demutualization framework for P and C companies. As occurred in the case of the mutual life insurance companies, the legislation just gives the broad regulations-making authority...and many of the details and issues I think that were raised earlier are set out in the regulations.
So for example with respect to who has the right to vote, which I think is one of the concerns raised, in the process those details and definitions are set out in the regulations. The view is that the regulations are in the appropriate place to develop and articulate the framework. There are many complicated pieces to how a demutualization framework could operate, and it's important to have a vision of all those pieces together to understand how the framework would operate. I think it is important to get the framework right the first time because these are major structural changes for the companies.