Good afternoon, my name is Kelly Murumets. I'm the president and CEO for ParticipAction. We are the national voice of physical activity and sport participation in the country. I am absolutely honoured and thrilled to be here. Thanks for the invitation.
For the next five minutes I'd love to tell you a little bit about ParticipAction, why we exist, the results we've achieved over the last six years, and why.
No matter who you are, you will probably remember ParticipAction, and usually with fondness, whether you remember the 60-year-old Swede, the flexed arm hang and the Canada fitness awards, or just Hal and Joanne. Somehow if you remember one of those, you're Canadian. That is our history.
In 2001 we closed our doors because of insufficient funding. I brought the organization back in 2007. The fact that we're back is fantastic, but the reasons why we're back are not so great.
In Canada, 15% of adults meet the physical activity guidelines. Only 5% of our kids meet the daily physical activity guidelines, which means that 95% of our kids do not get an hour of physical activity per day.
We know that sport participation rates have dropped 20 percentage points over the last 20 years. We know that on average kids spend 62% of their waking hours in sedentary behaviours, and that includes, on average, eight hours per day in front of screens, seven days a week.
The last stat I'll cite is that in Ontario alone, if health care costs continue on the same trajectory, health care will consume almost 80% of the provincial budget within the next 10 years. This is not in a generation from now; this is today.
We would suggest that we have a physical inactivity crisis in the country.
ParticipAction's vision is that physical activity will become a vital part of every Canadian's everyday world. Over the last six years, we truly have been doing a great job in terms of improving the way Canadians live. With the continued support of the public and private sectors, we believe that we can build a healthier, more active, and therefore more productive society. It's this vision that we've been working towards for the last six years.
We have an opportunity to change the way we live, but only if we work arm in arm with those in the not-for-profit sector, with elected and non-elected public sector officials from all levels of government, and also with the private sector. I come from the private sector. I believe strongly that the private sector has a role to play, and they wish to play that role as partners.
This is exactly how ParticipAction has been achieving results over the last six years. By working together, we can lead a healthier, more productive, and more active life.
At ParticipAction our focus has been essentially on children and youth, and children and youth in the most vulnerable populations, including able-bodied, less than able-bodied, urban, rural, and aboriginal kids. Our job is to touch the most vulnerable in the country. That is the work we've been doing.
In the next couple of minutes, I'd like to highlight a couple of our success stories.
Our most recent campaign is called “Bring Back Play”. It's a social marketing campaign targeting moms of school-age kids. It's our fourth campaign. It's truly a 360-degree campaign. We offer inspiration, information, and tips and tools to moms to help them inspire their kids and their families and get them more physically active.
Our message is that physical activity is the magic elixir. It helps your kids be healthier, yes, but it also helps them to be happier. They score better academically. They have better self-confidence and better self-esteem. They do better socially. It truly is the magic elixir.
The second example is the ParticipAction teen challenge, with teens inspiring teens to be more physically active. It's a $10-million, 10-year commitment from Coca-Cola Canada. Over the first five years, we deployed $3.5 million back out to community grassroots organizations. We touched 3,600 community-based organizations. We got a quarter of a million teens more physically active. We worked in every province and every territory, and we worked with the most vulnerable in those populations.
On November 25, we're going to be announcing a very big private sector partner that is going to help us improve physical literacy in the country.
Last year's report card on physical activity for children and youth took us from a failure from the year before to a D-minus. While a D-minus is not good enough, we'd say that it's significant in terms of the trajectory. We're moving in the right direction.
We would ask the committee to recommend annual funding of $5 million for ParticipAction in budget 2014. For the last two years, we've been able to leverage the moneys you have given us over the last two years, leveraging almost $4.5 million a year into $26 million of private sector funding, both in kind and in real dollars.
We truly believe we are uniquely and ideally positioned to maximize Canada’s investment in the promotion of active, healthy living. We have a trusted brand and partnerships. We will work unbelievably diligently to make sure that the Government of Canada and the people of Canada receive a huge return on their investment. That's what we've been doing, and we'd like to continue doing that, because our mandate is to go change the world.