We've had quite a good record so far. We are a relatively new organization. We were initially funded in 2007 by the Province of B.C. and spent the first couple of years building labs and building up our team. Since then, we have a couple of spin-out companies. One is called Sitka Biopharma. They are working on a platform technology, but their initial application is for bladder cancer. There has not been a new treatment for bladder cancer in 30 years. It's the most expensive cancer to treat per patient over a lifetime because it's a recurring cancer that comes back and comes back. This could be a new treatment paradigm for bladder cancer, with one treatment resolving the disease enough that it wouldn't recur. That's one of the things. The platform also has other applications. It could also be used in prostate, or other sorts of vesicle-type cancers.
We also have a company called Kairos Therapeutics, which is an antibody-drug conjugate platform. It's a very exciting technology, very high interest from the investor community, spearheaded by a man called John Babcook, who left a very good job at a very large company to lead the initiatives of starting a company that he wants to see as the next Genentech in Canada. He wants it to be a successful company that runs, is not acquired, and creates jobs and prosperity for Canada.
He's had a high level of interest from angel investors and venture capital investors, so we'll see how that progresses. It's a cutting-edge platform of biologics that was initially funded through a grant from Western Economic Diversification Canada to bring him aboard with a few staff and some start-up equipment. We're at a point now where we have a very exciting new company on board.