—I'm relying on the clerk to try it.
Go ahead, please.
It's on your iPads, as I understand it.
[Video Presentation]
Thank you for that. I thought it would set the scene for the rationale for my proposal.
As an aside, that particular public service announcement was played at no cost to Partners for Mental Health. Indeed, we got the actual making of the 30-second piece contributed. Last year we got a million dollars' worth of free publicity, according to the networks. The next PSA, in terms of frequency of play, got $100,000. That piece obviously touched a lot of people in the media and a lot of people who watched it.
Let me give you a couple of very simple facts about the issue of children and youth suicide.
First of all, it's the second leading cause of death of people between the ages of 15 and 24, second only to car crashes. Among first nations youth, it's four times—four times—the Canadian average. Canada has the third worst youth suicide percentage among all the industrialized nations of the world.
More importantly in many ways, three times more youth die by suicide than by all forms of cancer combined. To put it in perhaps a very graphic way, over 750 young people kill themselves each year, which is the size of a mid-sized high school. Visually, if you think of a mid-sized high school being totally wiped out, it gives you some indication of the size of the problem.
What I did was convene a team of experts from across the country under the chairmanship of Dr. Ian Manion, who is the executive director of the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health. We developed a research proposal. In the document, I've given you the summary of the methodology and so on. The fundamental thing to understand is that the methodology is to choose 25 communities cross the country, communities that will be geographically dispersed but also very culturally dispersed and different. Some will be first nations; some will be Inuit; some will be multicultural; some will be rural.
We need to understand what the characteristics of a community are in order to develop the best community-based way of dealing with the problem, because the one thing we absolutely know is that you cannot simply have a laying on of hands from the national level or provincial level and have a meaningful impact at the community level. It has to be community-based and it has to be essentially whole-community-based, in that it has to involve people from education, health, justice, child welfare, and families, and indeed, youth themselves.
What I anticipate as an outcome is not dissimilar to the kinds of outcomes I got from a similar cross-country study I did when I was running the Mental Health Commission, our study on the mentally ill homeless, where we determined what the most important characteristics of delivering mental health services to the homeless are, because we know that approximately 80% of homeless people have some element of a mental problem. We intend to have exactly the same kind of outcome, geared to a particular makeup of a community.
The final point is that we intend to do this with matching funds. I'm not interested in just getting federal money. We will get matching funds from provinces, from philanthropic organizations, from some private sector organizations, and so on. I've had enough conversations across the country now to say quite comfortably that we can raise that money, simply because everybody believes it's a paramount problem and we have to have an evidence-based approach to solving the problem.
Mr. Chairman, I'd like to add one thing. Several senior members of the government have asked me to add on a component that will also look at the issue of military suicide. I'm in the process of doing that. The communities will be military units or bases. In a sense, we will expand from 25 communities to 30, with the other five being related to the military.
Mr. Chairman, my bottom line is that this government has been exceedingly kind to me. They asked me to put together the Mental Health Commission, and we ran that. They asked me to run the program on the homeless mentally ill. I'm now asking them to give me a chance to do one last very important thing, which is address the issue of youth suicide.