I call this meeting back to order. This is meeting number 46 of the Standing Committee on Finance.
We are starting with our second panel for today.
We're very pleased to have our guests with us. Thank you so much for being with us.
First of all, we have with us the Assembly of First Nations, with National Chief Ghislain Picard.
We also have with us Jessica McCormick, from the Canadian Federation of Students; Ms. Kathryn Hayashi, chief financial officer, the Centre for Drug Research and Development; and Bill Rogers, adviser, with the National Initiative for Eating Disorders.
Also, we have a former colleague back with us. From Partners for Mental Health, we have with us the Honourable Michael Kirby, former senator and founding chairman.
Welcome back, and welcome to the House of Commons finance committee.
It's a pleasure to have all of you with us. You will each have five minutes maximum for your opening statements, and then we'll have questions from members.
We will begin with Mr. Picard, who has five minutes for his presentation.