There are a couple of things. I think we've lost a type of job as well as a number of people. We've lost jobs in areas of manufacturing that are low-value commodity products and low-value commodity jobs. Many of those were manual jobs on the shop floor. That's the type of job that has tended to disappear as companies have downsized. As well, a lot of people who were nearing retirement age took early retirement.
So we're not going to have the same people. It's not going to be the same job. It's not going be the same technology. But I can tell you that the other thing is that we'd be able to create an awful lot more jobs in manufacturing if we could find the people with the right skill sets to come into those jobs. I think that kind of speaks to some of the other issues we're facing about how we build up a system of education and training in this country that makes it easier for people to be employed in some very highly sophisticated businesses.