Thank you for the question.
Yes, we have been around the mulberry bush on this several times. I would agree that the name of the program and the description of the program are difficult to explain and articulate to parents and families across the country and say why it's important.
It is critically important because these are real costs that are large and growing. They're the unmet costs, the costs that aren't funded by the federal or provincial granting agencies, the tuition costs or other costs in the university budget. They're the real costs, such as caring for animals or making sure that research ethics are done, or driving the translation of knowledge into the commercial space and engaging in international research. These are real costs, which are large and growing. When we look at how other countries address those issues, we see that they choose to fund them at a substantially higher level.
So we welcome the reference in Budget 2013 to having a look at this question. We're looking carefully with the industry department and others to see whether that provides the best vehicle to move forward or whether an excellence fund might be a way of addressing public policy issues and contributing to Canada's competiveness.