Maybe I'll start with the second question, why 15. We are here as the U15 to talk about the ACRE fund as a new opportunity for Canada. But to be clear, this is fully supported by the AUCC, which is inclusive of the 97 universities in this country. So ACRE has the full support of the AUCC membership as well.
This program actually presents a tremendous opportunity for Canada. I think, as we have heard thePrime Minister say, this is Canada's moment. It's about shining on the international stage; it's about being bold and positioning ourselves as we head toward our sesquicentennial.
This program is about excellence—excellence in the way the funding is allocated—and it's inclusive. If you have Tri-Council funding, you are able to access the funds through the ACRE opportunity. It is also built on excellence in terms of deliverables. Understanding that as government you're looking for payback if you're investing money, what are you going to get? Three areas: global excellence, talent, and knowledge translation....
This program is very complementary to other programs that the government has launched. It provides institutional flexibility, because each institution can determine how they use the funds in those three areas. At the University of Calgary, we're very strong on unconventional oil and gas; we're looking at increasing research opportunities in that area. That would be a natural home for part of those funds from our side. In other parts of the country, other institutions would use those funds differently.
It's flexible, it's built on excellence, and it helps build Canada's brand internationally.