Turning to you, Mr. Dillon, from Credit Union Central, in full disclosure I'm a credit union member. I have been since I was a child. In rural Canada, often the only banking institution we have is the credit union. You do great work. At the same time, I pay a premium to be a credit union member and live in the community I live in. I can get cheaper money at the bank, quite frankly, so it's not all just a one-way street here.
I have some real concerns. You're suggesting that we conduct a mandate review for Farm Credit Canada. I can tell you that the last people who lobbied me for that were the big banks. When you go into Farm Credit, they have people who are experts in agriculture. They know the type of farming that you're already in. They offer good advice. They can look at your business plan and determine very quickly whether it's a reasonable, rational business plan or not.
Why would we take that out of the marketplace and out of the hands of small farmers and farmers across Canada?