Thank you, Chair.
Thank you all for coming.
I think I had better clear the air as Mr. Adler mentioned my audits. I'm going to direct this to Mr. Baker, too. An audit is something performed by the government. We're not talking about businesses that bring their boxes in and the guy who's sticking half the money under the table. For most businesses, mine in particular, and I think it's the case with just about every business that would be reputable, goes through an accountant. There's the difference between—and we keep saying this and we need to hear it again and again—tax avoidance and tax evasion. Tax avoidance is legal. If there are $50,000 worth of taxes to be paid, obviously it's within a citizen's right or an organization's right to reduce that by legitimate means, and sometimes the auditor comes down and say “No, no, that's not what that means. You can't do that.”
Am I right in that assumption? Is that pretty much a fair—